Steel Structures: Culture & Sustainability 2010
ISBN: 978-975-92461-2-9
Yazarlar: EDITORS
Yeditepe University, Faculty of Engineering & Architecture
Department of Civil Engineering
President of TUCSA & ECCS
Technical Manager of TUCSA
Ph.D. Student, İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering
H. Yener GÜR’EŞ
Vice President & General Secretary of TUCSA
Cavidan YORGUN
İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Turkish Constructional Steelwork Association, Istanbul, September 2010
Preface XV
Symposium Organization XVII
Sponsors XXI
Fire Engineering, Architecture & Sustainability
J. B. Schleich - 1
Sustainable Steel Sections Solutions
O. Vassart, G. Axmann, L.G. Cajot - 33
Sustainable Steel Structures
T. A. Winterstetter, W. Sobek - 43
Sustainability of Rail and Section Production in Kardemir
D. Sürmen , T. Odabaşı, İ. Tozlu - 53
The Interaction of Sustainable Building on Society, Environment and Economy of
North Cyprus
A. Afsharghotli, M. Çelikağ - 61
A Model Proposal for the Selection Process of Sustainable Technologic Construction
E. Avlar, P. K. Ercoşkun - 69
Bosphorous Crossing in the Late 19 th Century; Attempts to Bridge Two Continents
by Iron and Steel
N. K. Pilehvarian, H. Batırbaygil - 79
Iron, Steel and Glass in Ottoman Architecture
N. K. Pilehvarian - 89
Structural Explorations on the Grand Tour
B. Sill - 99
Steel for Sustainable Mass Housing
A. Çekmiş, I. Hacıhasanoğlu - 109
Sustainable Monumental Steel Structures Application
O. Eren, Ç. Tekin - 117
From Sustainable Aspect: Steel Modular Box Building System Design
O. Eren - 125
Evaluation of Structural System and Thermal Performance for a Residential
Building with Structural Steel Framing
H. A. Büyüktaşkın, S. F. Akşit - 133
About the History of Bridge Design
C. Dicleli - 141
Seismic Fragility Evaluation of a Large Lattice Dome Supported By Buckling
Restrained Braces
S. Nakazawa, S. Kato - 151
Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Steel Braced Structures
G. D. Corte, F. M. Mazzolani, R. Landolfo - 161
Ductility vs Overstrength in Robustness Based Design of Multi-Story Steel Building
Frames under Abnormal Loadings
F. Dinu, D. Dubina - 171
Design of Dissipative Structures for Industrial Buildings Located in High Risk
Seismic Zones
A. Bayram, Y. Tonguç - 179
A New Method for Calculation of X-Type Bracings
N.T. Çeltikçi, Y. Çeltikçi, S. Güçlü - 187
Evaluation of the Steel Liquid Storage Tank Failures in the 1999 Kocaeli
G. Yazıcı, C. Üstündağ, F. Çılı - 197
Brace Configuration Effects on Dynamic Response of Steel Buildings by Modal
T. Türker, A. Bayraktar - 205
Bending Behavior of Rubber-Based Seismic Isolation Bearings
S. Pınarbaşı - 215
Sustainability Aspects of Steel Based Applications in Rehabilitation Engineering
E. Efthymiou, I. Zygomalas, Ö. N. Cöcen, C. C. Baniotopoulos - 225
Experimental Investigation of Non-Seismic RC Frames Strengthened with BRB
Steel Braces
D. Dubina, S. Bordea - 235
Invention: Seismic Retrofitting by Exterior Steel Brace Structural Building
Jacketing System
C. Balkaya - 245
Assessment Study and Analysis of Seismic Performance of R/C Buildings Retrofitted
with Steel Braces
R. Shahshenas, E. M. Güneyisi, G. Altay - 253
Performance Based Evaluation of a Masonry Building of Walls Strengthened of
Steel Sheathing
A. Dogariu, D. Dubina - 263
Assessment of a Steel-Used Solution for the Rehabilitation of a Historical Palace
F. Aras - 273
Strengthening of Historic Masonry Walls by Steel Composite Material SRP/SRG
R. Capozucca, M. Curzi - 283
Experimental and Analytical Study on Retrofitting RC Frames by Knee Bracing
K. Taşkın, N. Yardımcı, H. F. Karadoğan, C. Yorgun - 291
Rehabilitation of Fatigue Loaded Steel Structures by High Frequency Hammer
I. Weich, T. Ummenhofer, P. Knoedel - 301
Semi-Rigid Steel Structures: Nonlinear Performance-Based Analysis
A. E. Mathe, A.G. Popa - 311
Cyclic Behavior and Numerical Modeling of a Semi-Rigid Frame
C. Vatansever, N. Yardımcı - 321
A Steel Frame Connection: I-Beam to SHS-Column by Bolted T-Stub
K. Yemez, G. Altay - 331
Finite Element Modelling of a Three-Dimensional Semi-Rigid Composite Joint
R. Goñi, B. Gil, E. Bayo - 341
Guidelines for Modeling Three Dimensional Structural Connection Models Using
Finite Element Methods
S. Selamet, M. Garlock - 351
3D Component Method for Base Bolt Joint
H. Perttola, M. Heinisuo - 361
Strength of Slotted Stainless Steel Tubular Member Tension Connections
G. Kıymaz, E. Seçkin - 371
Feasibility Study of Friction Connection in Tubular Towers For Wind Turbines
M.Veljkovic, M. Limam, C. Heistermann, C. Rebelo, L. S. Silva - 381
Spherical and Elastomeric Bearings with Compression and Uplift Forces
G. Hanswille, M. Porsch, C. Üstündağ - 389
Determining the Slip Coefficient in Slip-Critical Connection by Experimental
C. Vatansever, N. Yardımcı - 399
Moment Capacity of Extended End Plate Connections According to AISC and
N. D. Aksoylar , A. S. Elnashai , A. Z. Öztürk - 407
Chapter 5. FIRE
Experimental – Numerical Study on the Behaviour of Steel Columns Protected with
Expanded Clay Concrete Boards
J. P. C. Rodrigues, L. Laím, A. M. Correia - 417
Concrete Filled Steel Hollow Columns Subjected to Fire
T. A. C. Pires, J. P.C. Rodrigues, J. J. R. Silva, A. M. Correia - 427
Numerical Study on the Behavior of Steel Columns Embedded on Brick Walls
Subjected to Fire
A. M. Correia, J. P. C. Rodrigues, V. P. Silva - 437
Evaluation of Structural Safety Level for Fire Conditions on the Example of a Steel
M. Maslak - 447
Shear Stud Connections in Composite Beams – Safety Factors – Fire Case
T. Domanski - 457
Fire Resistance of Perfobond Connectors
J. P. C. Rodrigues, L. F. Costa-Neves, L. Laím - 465
Structural Fire Safety Engineering Study on a Car Park Located in France
N. Ayme, D. Joyeux - 475
Strength and Ductility of Concrete Encased Composite Columns
C. Campian, N. Chira, V. Sav - 485
Studies on the Lifetime of Cyclic Loaded Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges
G. Hanswille, M. Porsch, C. Üstündağ - 493
Lifetime Analysis of Highway Composite Bridge
H. Gervásio, L. S. Silva - 503
Vibrations Induced by Human Activities in Composite Steel Floor Decks. Case
D. Cretu, E. Tulei, C. Ghindea, R. Cruciat - 511
Analysis and Design of Non-Linear Semi-Rigid Cold-Formed Steel Frames
T. Peköz, A. Karakaplan, A. Koç - 521
Architectural Concept of Multistorey Apartment Building in Light Steel Framing
V. Murtinho, H. Ferreira, A. Correia, L. S. Silva, H. Gervásio, P. Santos - 529
Improved TWCF System for Industrial Buildings
M. Georgescu, V. Ungureanu - 537
Shear Walls with Cold-Formed Steel Framing and Wood Structural Panel Sheathing
K. K. Çelik, T. Engleder - 545
Evaluation Through Consisting of Component Market for Cold Formed Steel
Framing System in the Field of Low-Rise Residentials in Turkey
S. G. Yıldırım - 555
Chapter 8. STABILITY
New Design Curves for LT- and TF-Buckling Consistent Derivation and Code-
Conform Formulation
R. Greiner, A. Taras - 563
Elastic Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Cellular Beams
D. Sonck, W. Vanlaere, R. V. Impe - 573
An ‘Overall Concept’ for the Cross-Section Resistance in the Elasto-Plastic Range
M. Kettler, R. Greiner - 583
Transverse Load Carrying Capacity of Sinusoidally Corrugated Steel Webs with
Web Openings
G. Kıymaz, E. Coşkun , E. Seçkin, C. Coşgun - 593
Chapter 9. CASE STUDY
Sustainable Single Family House - Case Study
D. Dubina, V. Ungureanu, A. Ciutina, I. Tuca, M. Mutiu - 603
A380 Aircraft Hangar with a Clear Span of 96m and the New Amiry Terminal in
Kuwait Airport
T. Kaya, H. Özyar, M. Akman - 613
Tosçelik Osmaniye Plant Structural Steel Construction Applications
S. Korkmaz, O. Salıcı - 623
Structure for a Monorail Vehicle in Zaragoza
G. Calico, A. Arnedo, A. Sanmartin - 633
Third Party Fabrication Inspection of Steel Structures
H. Önal - 641
Learning from the Evidence: Lessons About Steel and Welding 16 Years After the
Northridge Earthquake
D. K. Miller, S. Funderburk - 651
The Production of High Strength Low Alloy Structural Steel in Kardemir
İ. Tozlu - 661
Optimization of the Shape of Chord-Free Steel Towers in Connection with a Wind
V. Gordeiev, N. Tischenko - 669
Total Potential Optimization Method Applied to Analysis of Structures
Y. C. Toklu, S. C. Toklu, Ö. Ateş - 679
Collapse Load of Box Flanges with Longitudinal Stiffeners Under Uniform
Compression: Comparative Study of EC3 and AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Rules
with Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis
P. S. Ferreira, F. Virtuoso - 687
Numerical and Experimental Study of the Fatigue Strength of Bridge Girders with
Flange Thickness Transitions
A. Taras, R. Greiner, J. Linder - 697
Author Index 707
İstanbul forms a link between the past and the future due to its long history dating back thousands
of years and its geographical location. The city, also known as Byzantium, Constantinople and
Konstantiniyye in the past, served as the capital of
• The Roman Empire,
• The Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, and
• The Ottoman Empire.
Consequently, the remains of many ancient civilizations and their cultures can still be seen to exist
in harmony in İstanbul.
This enchanting ancient city has been a cultural and commercial centre providing a powerful base
for multicultural lifestyles. Its cosmopolitan atmosphere has been an economical, social, technical,
and artistic source of attraction through the ages, not only for its inhabitants but also for the
globalized world of our time. For these unique qualities, İstanbul was selected as Cultural Capital of
Europe for the year 2010 when the Annual Meetings of the European Convention for Constructional
Steelwork (ECCS) would also take place.
These two important events gave us both the opportunity and the mission to organize a Symposium
for architects, structural engineers, designers, steel fabricators and builders as well as urban
psychologists, social planners and environmentalists to discuss new horizons on steel structuring in
relation to contemporary culture, giving way to a new European vision for a better and sustainable
future. Consequently, the international symposium “Steel Structures: Culture & Sustainability
2010” (SSCS 2010) was organized.
Today’s modern lifestyle was made possible through the emergence of steel in technology. Steel
made its mark in major cities of our century. The Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai
and the two bridges across the Bosphorus in İstanbul are all examples of a city skyline drawn in
At this point in time, the important questions we need to address are what we will leave future
generations, and how we can utilize steel to the benefit of the people, the environment and culture
through “sustainability”.
Sustainability stems from the need to overcome environmental problems directly resulting from
economical and technological development, and focuses on the preservation of the ecosystem.
Sustainability in urbanization is a relatively new concept. Yet sustainable urban development is an
integral part of sustainable growth.
Our aim is to evaluate constructional steel, a vital building material in modern life, in terms of its
effect on constructional arts and in relation to sustainability, in order to enhance professional
115 Abstracts were received for the symposium of which 83 were accepted. SSCS 2010 Proceeding
contains 72 selected papers from 22 countries and keynote speeches. The keynote lecturers are
Architect Alessandro Zoppini from Italy and Prof. Ing. Jean-Baptiste Schleich from Luxembourg.
Proceeding covers historical and cultural aspects of steel structures and architecture, steel structures
in relation to architectural functions and forms, sustainability, structural issues including stability
and connections, constructional issues, earthquake resistance, retrofitting, seismic isolation, wind
effect, fire related issues, composite structures, cold-formed / light gauge steel structures and case
SSCS 2010 received substantial sponsorship by major companies in the steel industry, indicating
the growing strength of constructional steel in Turkey. We sincerely thank all our sponsors for their
valuable support in making the Symposium a successful event all round.
We would also like to thank everyone who has taken part in preparing the symposium and
proceedings, including the authors, the editors, the scientific committee, co-organizers, supporting
organizations, the symposium and session chairs, the symposium secretary and all Turkish
Constructional Steelwork Association (TUCSA) members.
To construct a building is to lay the foundations of a new civilization. We all come from different
cultural backgrounds, have different experiences and different opinions, therefore we have a lot to
share with and learn from one another. We believe this event will serve to increase the synergy
between us, as we strive to build a stronger and more creative future - as sturdy as steel.
On behalf of the organizers, I wish you all an interesting and productive meeting and hope you
enjoy your stay in İstanbul.
İstanbul, September, 2010
Prof. Dr. Nesrin YARDIMCI
Chair of SSCS 2010
President of TUCSA & ECCS