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Yayınlar > Kitaplar

ECCS Yayınları

Design of Plated Structures - Kaplama Yapıların Tasarımı

Design of Plated Structures - Kaplama Yapıların Tasarımı

ISBN: 978-92-9147-100-3
Yazarlar: Darko Beg; Ulrike Kuhlmann; Laurence Davaine; Benjamin Braun
Design of Steel Structures

Design of Steel Structures

ISBN: 978-92-9147-098-3
Yazarlar: Luís Simões da Silva, Rui Simões and Helena Gervásio
Fire Design of Steel Structures

Fire Design of Steel Structures

ISBN: 978-92-9147-099-0
Yazarlar: Jean-Marc Franssen and Paulo Vila Real
Design of Joints in Steel and Composite Structures

Design of Joints in Steel and Composite Structures

ISBN: 978-92-9147-132-4 | 978-3-433-02985-5
Yazarlar: Jean-Pierre Jaspart and Klaus Weynand
European Recommendations for the Design of Simple Joints in Steel Structures

European Recommendations for the Design of Simple Joints in Steel Structures

ISBN: 92-9147-000-95
Yazarlar: J.P. Jaspart, J.F. Demonceau, S. Renkin, M.L. Guillaume
Worked examples according to EN1993-1-3

Worked examples according to EN1993-1-3

ISBN: 92-9147-000-86
Yazarlar: ECCS TC7 TWG 7.5
Steel Construction Design and Research

Steel Construction Design and Research

ISBN: ISSN 1867-0520
Yazarlar: Nesrin Yardimci Prof. Dr. President of TUCSA & ECCS1, Luis Simões da Silva Prof. Chairman of Technical Management Board, Milan Veljkovic Prof., Harun Batirbaygil Prof. Dr., Cavidan Yorgun Prof. Dr.
Fatigue Design of Steel and Composite Structures

Fatigue Design of Steel and Composite Structures

ISBN: ISBN (ECCS): 978-92-9147-101-0
Yazarlar: Alain Nussbaumer, Luís Borges and Laurence Davaine
Concepts and Methods for Steel Intensive Building Projects

Concepts and Methods for Steel Intensive Building Projects

ISBN: 987-92-9147-106-
Yazarlar: Heli Koukari, Luís Bragança and Samir Boudjabeur
Design of Plated Structures

Design of Plated Structures

ISBN: 978-92-9147-100-3
Yazarlar: Darko Beg; Ulrike Kuhlmann; Laurence Davaine; Benjamin Braun
Design of Cold-formed Steel Structures

Design of Cold-formed Steel Structures

ISBN: 978-92-9147-107-2
Yazarlar: Dan Dubina, Viorel Ungureanu and Raffaele Landolfo
Thin Walled Structures - Recent Research Advances and Trends (2 volumes)

Thin Walled Structures - Recent Research Advances and Trends (2 volumes)

ISBN: 978-92-9147-102-7
Yazarlar: Dan Dubina and Viorel Ungureanu
Background information on fatigue design rules - statistical evaluation

Background information on fatigue design rules - statistical evaluation

ISBN: 978-92-9147-141-6
Yazarlar: by TC 6 - Fatigue and Fracture

ECCS Yayınları - Teknik Dokümanlar

European Recommendations for the Fire Safety of Steel Structures

European Recommendations for the Fire Safety of Steel Structures

Yazarlar: ECCS Technical Committee 3 - Fire Safety of Steel Structures
Design Manual on the European Recommendations for the Fire Safety of Steel Structures

Design Manual on the European Recommendations for the Fire Safety of Steel Structures

Yazarlar: ECCS Technical Committee 3 - Fire Safety of Steel Structures
Calculation of the Fire Resistance of Centrally Loaded Composite Steel-Concrete Columns Exposed to the Standard Fire

Calculation of the Fire Resistance of Centrally Loaded Composite Steel-Concrete Columns Exposed to the Standard Fire

Yazarlar: ECCS Technical Committee 3 - Fire Safety of Steel Structures - Technical Note

TUCSA Yayınları

Depreme Dayanıklı Çelik Yapılar

Depreme Dayanıklı Çelik Yapılar

Yazarlar: Prof. Dr. Erdoğan Uzgider Yrd. Doç. Dr. B. Özden Çağlayan
Kompozit Döşemeler

Kompozit Döşemeler

Yazarlar: Doç. Dr. Cavidan Yorgun
Steel Structures of the 2000

Steel Structures of the 2000's

Yazarlar: Tevfik Seno Arda Güliz Bayramoğlu Cavidan Yorgun
Steel Structures: Culture & Sustainability 2010

Steel Structures: Culture & Sustainability 2010

ISBN: 978-975-92461-2-9
Yazarlar: EDITORS Nesrin YARDIMCI Yeditepe University, Faculty of Engineering & Architecture Department of Civil Engineering President of TUCSA & ECCS A. Berna AYDÖNER Technical Manager of TUCSA Ph.D. Student, İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering H. Yener GÜR’EŞ Vice President & General Secretary of TUCSA Cavidan YORGUN İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
European Steel Design Awards 2015

European Steel Design Awards 2015

ISBN: 978-978-975-92461-3-6
Yazarlar: Conception and editing Prof. Dr. Harun Batırbaygil, TUCSA H. Yener Gür’eş, ECCS PMB Chair Dr. A. Berna Aydöner, TUCSA
Çelik Yapı Tasarımı El Kitabı 1

Çelik Yapı Tasarımı El Kitabı 1

ISBN: 9786050330199
Yazarlar: Prof. Dr. Bülent Akbaş
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