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Sayı: 45 - Eylül 2015


Thrill for PROSteel 2016 Began

Applications for PROSteel 2016 Steel Structure Design Student Competition organized by Turkish Construction Steel Association and Borusan Mannesmann is on the verge of commencement. Subject of the competition has been determined as “Neighbourhood Bazaar”.

Applications for PROSteel 2016 Steel Structure Design Student Competition organized by Turkish Construction Steel Association and Borusan Mannesmann is on the verge of commencement. Subject of the competition has been determined as “Neighbourhood Bazaar”. 
Applications for PROSteel 2016 Steel Structure Design Student Competition sponsored by Borusan Mannesmann opened on 26 October. In the competition organized by Turkish Construction Steel Association and Borusan Mannesmann for the 16th year, students are expected to design a space of 2000-2500 m2 which will function as a bazaar for one day a week and as a culture and art venue for the remaining of the week. Record awards will again be given in PROSTeel 2016 Competition. First team will receive 8.000 TL, second team will receive 5.000 TL and third team will receive 3.500 TL award. Furthermore, one of the teams to use Borusan Mannesmann products in majority in their design will receive the Borusan Mannesmann Special Award of 7.500 TL. In addition, 5 groups will receive an honorable mention and incentive award of 5.000 TL. 
8. International Steel Bridges Symposium 
8. International Steel Bridges Symposium (SBIC 2015) organized by Turkish Construction Steel Association (TUCSA) was held with success in Wyndham Grand Kalamış Marina Hotel in Istanbul on 14-16 September 2015. 
An approximate number of 200 experts from 36 countries participated in the 8. International Steel Bridges Symposium organized by TUCSA in coordination of European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS). 170 abstracts were collected from 36 countries for the symposium and 95 papers were accepted by the Science 80 papers were presented in the symposium by their authors. Furthermore, 2 invitee speakers delivered their presentations. Papers presented in the symposium are published in “Steel Bridges: Innovation & New Challenges 2015”. A technical visit to 3.Bosphorus Bridge Site was conducted on the last day of the symposium. 

SBIC 2015 President, TUCSA & ECCS President Prof. Dr. Nesrin YARDIMCI:
We Believe that This Event will Enhance the Synergy Amongst Us
Prof. Dr. Nesrin Yardımcı stated that “Steel Bridges Symposium gave us the opportunity and mission to organize and announce it for architects, structural engineers, designers, steel fabricators and builders as well as environmental psychologists, urban planners and environmentalists to discuss new horizons on steel bridges”. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Nesrin Yardımcı mentioned that steel is the futuristic material to continue shaping and “connecting” our common urban or metropolitan lives under ever growing human population challenges.
Prof. YARDIMCI was Awarded with Silver Medal, the Greatest Award of ECCS
Prof.Dr. YARDIMCI was awarded with the Silver Medal, the greatest award of ECCS which is celebrating its 60th year. Furthermore, Prof. Frans BIJLAARD from Holland was awarded with Charles Massonnet Plaque while Previous Board Chairman Volkmar BERGMANN (2007-2013) and ECCS General Secretary Robert SALKIN (1995-2001) were awarded with Thank You Plaque for the celebration of ECCS’s 60th year. 

SBIC 2015 Invitee Speaker: 
“Function Follows Function as Basis in Bridge Design”
A bridge might be regarded simply as a part of a road alignment or a railway line. It will then fulfil its function if built to the same standards as the adjoining roads (or railway lines), i.e. that it has the same widths and number of lanes or tracks and lives up to the same specifications regarding gradient, vertical and horizontal curvatures, etc.
The bridge can also be regarded as a monument, an object in the visual environment or even a sculpture, but first of all the bridge must be regarded as a structure designed to carry efficiently the loads acting upon it without showing excessive deformations or vibrations. If this is achieved at the same time as the bridge is aesthetically pleasing and fits well into the land- or townscape an optimum solution has been arrived at.
In contrast to a structure forming a part of a building or a large roof where the structure is more or less covered by walls, floors, roofing and other non-structural elements, the structure of a bridge is generally visible in its entirety. So mistakes in composing the bridge structure will be clearly exhibited.
European Steel Design Awards Granted in SBIC 2015 in Turkey
10th of European Steel Design Awards organized by European Convention for Constructional Steelwork biannually since 1997 aiming to award outstanding steel structure designs was held in Istanbul on 15 September 2015, Tuesday. 
10th of European Steel Design Awards organized by European Convention for Constructional Steelwork biannually since 1997 aiming to award outstanding steel structure designs revealing advantages of steel in terms of architectural, civil, manufacturing, sustainability and economy criteria was held in Istanbul on 15 September 2015, Tuesday. Awards were granted during the ceremony in “ECCS Award Ceremony and Celebration of ECCS’s 60th Year” organized by Turkish Construction Steel Association in Wyndham Grand Kalamış Marina Hotel. 
In the ceremony, audience had the opportunity to observe all characteristics and the beauty of steel in the projects. It has been observed once more that “steel” enables architects and engineers to design appreciated and hard-to-realize everything they imagine. In awarded projects, it has also been observed that steel is an economic, strong, durable, flexible, recyclable and sustainable material in design and execution. Original and splendid steel projects from Europe presented during European Steel Design Awards and their international creators were followed admiringly. 
As per the assessment of the International Jury, projects from Czech Republic, France and Portugal among projects from 13 countries were granted “Awards of Excellence” as best in their categories whereas 10 winning projects of their countries including “Kayalar Chemical Administrative and R&D Building” were granted “Awards of Merit”. In the ceremony, project designed by the team of students from Yıldız Technical University Department of Architecture and Bosphorus University Department of Civil Engineering which was awarded with first place in PROSteel 2014 Steel Structure Design Steel Student Competition with projects from other four countries were granted ECCS Steel Design Student Awards 2015.
Çelik Yapılar - Sayı: 45 - Eylül 2015

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