European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS) Bridge Committee, gathering twice in a year in a member country, convened in Istanbul on 15-16 May 2014 hosted by Turkish Construction Steel Association (TUCSA). Due to recent resignation of ECCS Bridge Committee (AC-3) President, last preparations were completed by ECCS Publicity Management Board (PMB) President H. Yener Gür’eş and the convention took place accordingly.
One of the significant topics discussed on the second day of the convention was the “8th International Steel Bridges Sym-posium” planned to be held in Istanbul by TUCSA on 14-16 September 2015. The most important reason why ECCS Bridge Committe requested this symposium to be held in Istanbul was the existence of major steel bridge projects in Turkey, such as 3rd Bosphorus Bridge and Izmit Bridge.
Turkish Construction Steel Association started working on the subject following this convention. Topics to be discussed in the “8th International Steel Bridges Sym-posium” to be held in Istanbul on 14-16 September 2015 have been selected and preparations have been made to host the event worthily of Turkey. Detailed information on the symposium is available on