Owner: Japanese Air Self-Defence Forces
Architectural Design: Mezz Design Bureau (Italy)
Structural Design: Dorçe Prefabrik Yapı ve İnşaat Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş.
Main Contractor: Mezz International Ltd. (Italy)
Steel Structure Manufacturer: Dorçe Prefabrik Yapı ve İnşaat Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş.
Project Location and Year: Djibouti-Africa / 2011
Economy, dispatchability and ease of installation are defined as the three main principles in solution of structural system. Due to limited project duration, time factor also directed the design studies as an element framing these three main factors.
In the framework of the determined principles, different alternatives were developed for the supporting frame system of the structure having 45-meter span and 14,6-meter shoulder height, and each advantage and disadvantage was considered. Among these alternatives, crossing the demanded span with netted beam system formed with ready-section columns and elements took the center stage. To enable stabilization of the system against lateral loads, in frame plane column bases are anchored to the foundation where columns in the other direction were hinge-connected to the foundation and diagonal elements were foreseen for the transfer of loads in this direction to the foundation. Furthermore, to enable transfer of lateral loads to the roof elements with vertical elements to the foundation, required diagonal elements were placed in the roof plane. In addition to vertical loads, lateral loads due to braking in operation of the suspended cranes connected to beams were considered in calculations.
Wide flance HEA sections were preferred to ease connection of bottom wide flance sections of netted beams with diagonal members. This also enabled solution of axial truss members to be solved with lesser height in comparison to I-sections, which provided a significant economic advantage considering the volume of deliveries. Wide flange HEA sections were used also for the columns whereas pipe sections were used for diagonal elements and cold-bent properly sized sections were used for cinctures and purlins supporting the covering. In bolted connections, joint partms were especially investigated and connection members in proper number and capacity were used.