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Yayınlar > Çelik Yapılar
Sayı: 25 - Aralık 2010


Guest of Honor Allan Collins: “Opportunities in Turkey are exciting but I have admonitions”

The rate of steel structures in the building sector of Britain is around 80% as you know. What is the situation now there? What changes are noticible in Turkey?

The rate of steel structures in the building sector of Britain is around 80% as you know. What is the situation now there? What changes are noticible in Turkey?
Allan Collings: You have TUCSA and we have BCSA, British Steel together with BCSA incerased addvertisements for steel but at the same time made sure the plants deliverded the goods. Here you use the steel imported by the firms. If there were strong national steel manufacturers they would surely help out as much as they could. In other words eeryone would prefer steel instead of concrete. I was here in 2000 for the first time, and noticed some problems. Steel consumption was low and you seemed to be on the same path. In Britain the program has had 3 decades and you had only one. You are making good progress. Undoubtedly as I have stated before, steel is the only economic option in certain structures. This is what you have to do, determine all these buildings and go convince the customer to build in steel. I am amazed at the last 6 years’ steel buildings. Progress in Turkey is rapid and we have to congradulate everyone. A job well done.
From what I have found so far, I think that the steel fabricators in Turkey have grown to fit the demand. This means there is that capasity. Compared to anywhere in Europe the potential here is much better. Because the infrastructure is good, you are working hard towards the organization of architects, engineers, and manufacturers and the possibilities in Turkey are exciting.
What I would like to do is to make these comments. We have been talking about market development and the rapid growth of steel fabrication in Turkey. With all of those types of developments at the market place, it is very nice to keep taking steps forward. But sometimes, an event can take place, which takes a step back. I would like to suggest to your steel fabrication industry in Turkey that it should be very careful. Because one mistake in a building will put you back several years.
Çelik Yapılar - Sayı: 25 - Aralık 2010


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