International Courses on Fire Design of Steel Structures” were held in Karabuk on 17-18 September 2013 for Karabuk University and KARDEMIR personnel and in Istanbul on 20-21 September 2013 for all interested engineers and architects.
In the scope of the course lectured by Prof. Jean-Marc FRANSSEN, faculty member in Liege University and one of the authors of the book “Fire Design of Steel Structures”, “Fire Design of Steel Structures” based on Eurocode-3 Sections 1-2 is used as basis and a free copy is provided to participants along with information on calculation of fire endurance with SAFIR demo software with examples. “TUCSA Certificate of Attendance” and “ECCS Academy Certificate of Attendance” are handed to participants of this course which is conducted in coordination with ECCS Academy founded under European Construction Steel Association (ECCS).