E-Bülten Aboneliği
Tevfik Seno Arda Lisesi
Yayınlar > Çelik Yapılar
Sayı: 39 - Nisan 2014


The Shaking Table of ITU

Produced with the coordination of Istanbul Technical University with only local resources the ‘Shaking Table' was brought into service.

Produced with the support of local investors at the ITU Civil Engineering Structural and Earthquake Engineering Laboratory, the shaking table was brought into service with a ceremony held at ITU Civil Engineering Faculty. 19 people and establishments mostly consisting of ITU graduates contributed to the creation of the ITU produced shaking table. With original designs in the fields of Mechanics, electric, hydraulics and software the completely locally produced shaking table cost 250 thousand dollars. The 2.35x2.35 m shaking table will be used for education and research in the fields of structural and earthquake engineering. 
Çelik Yapılar - Sayı: 39 - Nisan 2014

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