Which direction are the steel structures headed in Turkey and in the globe? What would your expectation be in this respect??
Ali ERAY: Coming to think of it, everything is getting faster and steel has an advantage when it comes to speed. Steel heavily accelerates construction works. It can make it even lighter. For instance, Chinese can construct a skyscraper in 50 days. Forming that many modules and the structure with joint connections with steel… Everything that enables moving forward without standing by is steel. And construction industry needs this.
Burçin YILDIRIM: It takes time for our habits to change. Developments in steel structures in Turkey will be slower when compared to the west; however we emphasize flexibility for steel in our training and office projects recently because flexibility of these spaces and renovation for different functions become very prominent. Steel is more convenient for this flexibility when compared to concrete. Further, we can foresee that demand for steel structures may increase with increasing demand for
flexibility for crossing large spans and small structural member cross sections when compared with concrete.
Pınar GÖKBAYRAK: I prefer to see steel in buildings having more artisanal character and from which architecture can be read in more detail instead of big structures. Architects may be more preoccupied in this respect and work on details. It would also help to see differentiation in scale and functions. Industrial structures or structures with large spans come into mind when steel is considered, this is the first perception in public and more artisanal touch is required to overcome this preconceived opinion.