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Sayı: 48 - Temmuz 2016


PROSteel Awards Meeting Students for the 16th Time

16th PROSteel 2016 Steel Structure Design Student Competition Colloquium and Award Ceremony by Turkish Construction Steel Association and Borusan Mannesmann with main sponsorship of Borusan Mannesmann was held on 17 June 2016 in Yapı Endüstri Merkezi hall in Fulya.

16th PROSteel 2016 Steel Structure Design Student Competition Colloquium and Award Ceremony by Turkish Construction Steel Association and Borusan Mannesmann with main sponsorship of Borusan
Mannesmann was held on 17 June 2016 in Yapı Endüstri Merkezi hall in Fulya.
In the competition with this year’s subject being “District Bazaar” evaluated by PROSteel 2016 jury composed of Prof. Dr. Ayhan Usta, Cem Sorguç (architect), Prof. Dr. Hasan Şener (Jury Chairman), Dr. Selçuk İz, Prof. Dr. Nesrin Yardımcı, Dr. Selim Velioğlu and Yaşar Marulyalı (M.Arch and M.Sc. Eng.); monetary awards of 8.000 TL, 5.000 TL and 3.500 TL were granted to first, second and third teams respectively and one of the teams which used
Borusan Mannesmann products in majority was granted with Borusan Mannesmann Special Award of 7.500 TL. In addition, 5 groups were granted with Honorable Mention award in the amount of 5.000 TL. Participants browsed around the stands displaying the projects during the after party and cocktail event.
Çelik Yapılar - Sayı: 48 - Temmuz 2016

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