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Yayınlar > Çelik Yapılar
Sayı: 52 - Ağustos 2017


Karadeniz Holding Power Ships Steel Fabrication

Powership®, which is the registered trademark of Karadeniz Holding A.Ş., is the name given to fully integrated floating power plants on ships or platforms.

Powership®, which is the registered trademark of Karadeniz Holding A.Ş., is the name given to fully integrated floating power plants on ships or platforms.
ATAÇELİK performs fabrication of cycle plant steel structure platforms and chimney supports of Powership® power plants in Gemak shipyards. In this project which has been ongoing for approximately 7 months, fabrication of 2 Powerships® named KPS 15 and KPS 16 were completed and delivered on time and in quality. Furthermore, it has been principally agreed with Gemak, the contracting company, to continue with steel structure fabrication for KPS ships for the project to continue in the upcoming period.
In this project where approximately 2.000 tonnes of steel was fabricated and very special cap cuts, welding groove opening works, slot and normal perforating works were performed with special weld properties, ATAÇELİK uses its high-tech CNC-based Kaltenbach 1201 robotic cutting machine. This machine can make angular cuts allowing all kinds of connections with hexa-axial cutting and open welding grooves with required angles. Furthermore, it can also perforate normal and slot holes on sections serially.
H, U and L sections delivered to ATAÇELİK fabrication site in miscellaneous sections are taken to benches in accordance with NC codes previously prepared by our technical office engineers and pre-defined in our machines, and processed by our robotic machinery pursuant to these codes. After this process, the sections are taken to cleaning benches and pass through the first stage of approval through deep cleaning and dimension checks. Following dimension approval, gusset plates are welded in accordance with design, sent to mechanical cleaning again and checked for approval with weld tests.
Following delivery to shipyard, relevant sections are installed in the ships using mobile cranes also placed on the ships.
Çelik Yapılar - Sayı: 52 - Ağustos 2017

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